Bruce Beach, creator of the world's largest privately owned underground bunker
Bruce Beach, creator of the world's largest privately owned underground bunker
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg
The child leading the blind in Central African Republic
The child leading the blind in Central African Republic
The child leading the blind in Central African Republic
The child leading the blind in Central African Republic
Light Brush 1
Light Brush 1
Light Brush 2
Light Brush 2
LightBrush 3
LightBrush 3
Jack Milroy, CHM Communications
Jack Milroy, CHM Communications
Lee Milroy, CHM Communications
Lee Milroy, CHM Communications
Peuhl pastoralist, Niger
Peuhl pastoralist, Niger
Activist from the Tla'amin nation at COP15, 12/2022
Activist from the Tla'amin nation at COP15, 12/2022
Activists from the Tla'amin nation, the Muskrat Collective.
Activists from the Tla'amin nation, the Muskrat Collective.
Alyona, Ukrainian refugee in Montreal, 07/2022
Alyona, Ukrainian refugee in Montreal, 07/2022
Boxer, Griffintown outdoor gym
Boxer, Griffintown outdoor gym
Sightless  elder, Guinea Bissau
Sightless elder, Guinea Bissau
Burhan Ozbilici, World Press Photo Winner
Burhan Ozbilici, World Press Photo Winner
General Roméo Dallaire
General Roméo Dallaire
Amania, community activist, Bangui, Central African Republic
Amania, community activist, Bangui, Central African Republic
Chance encounter  in Central African Republic
Chance encounter in Central African Republic
Woodland encounter, Jasper, Alberta
Woodland encounter, Jasper, Alberta
Terry, Jasper street, Edmonton
Terry, Jasper street, Edmonton
DJ Clarian North, Montreal
DJ Clarian North, Montreal
Céline Dion, singer
Céline Dion, singer
My friend Paula, nice person
My friend Paula, nice person
Alain Babineau, Lawyer and former RCMP officer
Alain Babineau, Lawyer and former RCMP officer
Brock William, lawyer
Brock William, lawyer
Professor Sydney Omelon, McGill University engineering for the Globe and Mail
Professor Sydney Omelon, McGill University engineering for the Globe and Mail
Mary McCarthy Gomez Cueto was the widow of a wealthy Cuban businessman who died in poverty, unwilling to leave the island and unable to access her funds because of the US embargo on trade with Cuba. I met her in Havana when she 99 years old. She died there at the age of 108.
Mary McCarthy Gomez Cueto was the widow of a wealthy Cuban businessman who died in poverty, unwilling to leave the island and unable to access her funds because of the US embargo on trade with Cuba. I met her in Havana when she 99 years old. She died there at the age of 108.
Black Atlass recording
Black Atlass recording
Richard Tremblay, a psychologist studying criminality by focussing on this neighbourhood in Montreal.
Richard Tremblay, a psychologist studying criminality by focussing on this neighbourhood in Montreal.
Laval Mayor Gilles Vaillancourt (center) before he was convicted of corruption.
Laval Mayor Gilles Vaillancourt (center) before he was convicted of corruption.
Construction co. CEO convicted in Bribery scandal (after the photo was made)
Construction co. CEO convicted in Bribery scandal (after the photo was made)
John Rafman, artist working with Google street view.
John Rafman, artist working with Google street view.
Maskull Lasserre, sculptor
Maskull Lasserre, sculptor
Chef Martin Picard, au Sugar Shack
Chef Martin Picard, au Sugar Shack
Sean Michaels, Giller prize-winning author
Sean Michaels, Giller prize-winning author
Johnny Zoumboulakis, owner of the Club Cleopatra, Montreal
Johnny Zoumboulakis, owner of the Club Cleopatra, Montreal
Soeur du Perpétuel Secours
Soeur du Perpétuel Secours
Reply Girl was a successful YouTuber in her early twenties, all from her bedroom in her mother's apartment.
Reply Girl was a successful YouTuber in her early twenties, all from her bedroom in her mother's apartment.
Bruce Beach, creator the world's largest privately owned bunker.
Bruce Beach, creator the world's largest privately owned bunker.
Dean Potter, climber,  BASE jumper, pioneer of the wingsuit.
Dean Potter, climber, BASE jumper, pioneer of the wingsuit.
Girl, Squamish, BC
Girl, Squamish, BC
Alexandre Despatie, Olympic diving gold medalist
Alexandre Despatie, Olympic diving gold medalist
Alex Despatie, Canadian Olympic diving champion shortly after announcing his retirement
Alex Despatie, Canadian Olympic diving champion shortly after announcing his retirement
Lens-based artist Jessica Eaton in her studio
Lens-based artist Jessica Eaton in her studio
Nicolas Baier, artist, Montreal
Nicolas Baier, artist, Montreal
Emmanuelle Leonard, photographe
Emmanuelle Leonard, photographe
Nicolas Grenier, artist
Nicolas Grenier, artist
Author and professor
Author and professor
Félix plays and sings Delta blues. He is sightless but hears the soul
Félix plays and sings Delta blues. He is sightless but hears the soul
Justin Trudeau, before.
Justin Trudeau, before.
Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, in his office.
Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, in his office.
Josh Key, US army deserter and author, somewhere in Canada
Josh Key, US army deserter and author, somewhere in Canada
Martha Wainright at home in Montreal
Martha Wainright at home in Montreal
Don McCullin, photo legend
Don McCullin, photo legend
Don Zoilo, indigenous land defender, Chile
Don Zoilo, indigenous land defender, Chile
Mayan shaman, Guatemala
Mayan shaman, Guatemala
Plaintiff in the Hudbay case, El Estor, Guatemala.
Plaintiff in the Hudbay case, El Estor, Guatemala.
Yesmat Ara, Rohingya refugee Bangladesh 2017
Yesmat Ara, Rohingya refugee Bangladesh 2017
Kalima, at 10 years old, Rohingya refugee
Kalima, at 10 years old, Rohingya refugee
Noor Fatema, Rohingya refugee, Bangladesh 2017
Noor Fatema, Rohingya refugee, Bangladesh 2017
Homayra, Rohingya refugee Bangladesh 2017
Homayra, Rohingya refugee Bangladesh 2017
Rohingya girl celebrating Eid
Rohingya girl celebrating Eid
Man rescued from a lynch mob, Central African Republic
Man rescued from a lynch mob, Central African Republic
Girl in an orphanage, Armenia
Girl in an orphanage, Armenia
Demobilized from the FARC
Demobilized from the FARC
Recently demobilized from the FARC, identity protected
Recently demobilized from the FARC, identity protected
Jelena, Roma Kosovar refugee in Nis, Serbia
Jelena, Roma Kosovar refugee in Nis, Serbia
Serb Kosovar refugee, Nis, Serbia
Serb Kosovar refugee, Nis, Serbia
Ah-Po nd Mrs. Wills. They spent a lifetime together as mistress and maid, but never learned each other's language, Hong Kong.
Ah-Po nd Mrs. Wills. They spent a lifetime together as mistress and maid, but never learned each other's language, Hong Kong.
Turkana couple, Kenya
Turkana couple, Kenya
Alexander Lebed, Russian politician, military man.
Alexander Lebed, Russian politician, military man.
Olivier, filmmaker
Olivier, filmmaker
Tabarre, Port-au-Prince
Tabarre, Port-au-Prince
Port-au-Prince Triptych: Tabarre, Kranaval, Voodoo worshipper
Port-au-Prince Triptych: Tabarre, Kranaval, Voodoo worshipper
Karnaval participants, Port-au-Prince
Karnaval participants, Port-au-Prince
Olivia, a plaintiff in the Hudbay Minerals case, Guatemala
Olivia, a plaintiff in the Hudbay Minerals case, Guatemala
A plaintiff in the Hudbay Minerals case, Guatemala
A plaintiff in the Hudbay Minerals case, Guatemala
Slightly inebriated man, Huallanca, Peru
Slightly inebriated man, Huallanca, Peru
Waitress, Hualllanca, Peru
Waitress, Hualllanca, Peru
Mother and daughter, Huallanca, Peru
Mother and daughter, Huallanca, Peru
Man who asked to be photographed, Hullanca, Peru
Man who asked to be photographed, Hullanca, Peru
Worker in Huallanca, Peru
Worker in Huallanca, Peru
Shopkeeper, Huallanca, Peru
Shopkeeper, Huallanca, Peru
New Hampshire
New Hampshire

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